Kate Evans Style : Fashion Re-Boot

Kate Evans Style : Fashion Re-Boot

Kate Evans: Fashion Re-Boot

Today on the blog the lovely Kate Evans, who runs a fantastic Image Consultant and Life Coach business is sharing with us her top tips on how to upgrade and put a bit of sparkle into your wardrobe as the season changes. Kate is a fantastic supporter of small and local businesses and can often be spotted fabulously modelling our 'Coperto' boot. Alongside running classes, private style consultations and personal shopping amongst other things, Kate imparts her style and image wisdom across social media! We are avid followers of her Instagram and blog and are honored to have her on the blog today! Find Kate at:





Fashion Re-Boot

As the summer draws to an end (sob),  and the arrival of darker evenings and soggy footwear is imminent…I have been immersing myself in what’s coming into the shops for Autumn/Winter 2017; how to style it and incorporate easily into your existing wardrobe, so that I am ready to impart knowledge to you lovely lot!

However, before any of us go rushing out to the shops…there are a few pieces of advice that I have learnt over the years to take heed! The start of a new season is the perfect time to take a step back and review your own personal style. We can all get stuck in a rut, or style of dressing that almost becomes like a ‘uniform’ which we end up wearing day in, day out. However, with a few simple steps you can really give your personal style a boost and feel more excited again by how you dress.

1. Keep It Current

Not all of us are slaves to fashion, however it is important that you keep your look current. Glossy magazines, Instagram, Pinterest  and blogs (like mine!!) are packed with image inspiration for the coming season and top tips on what is going to be ‘on trend’. Focus on the trends that appeal to you and then decide how you are going to incorporate them into your look in a way that is still ‘you’.

These are some of the looks I am loving for the coming season…


Red to Toe


Feathers, Fun, Fur and Fluff

Fancy Tights


2. Shoe business

Your footwear can make or break your outfit. Throw away those battered boots and invest in a new pair, in one of your neutral shades, to see you through Autumn/Winter. If you can afford to invest a little more they will last you several seasons before they need replacing.

These little beauties were a birthday present …and I ADORE them. I must have tried them on at least 3 times last year and kept walking away (mainly due to the price tag rather then the style). However…I just couldn’t stop thinking about them so asked for my entire family to give them to me for my birthday and I know they will be a much loved addition to my winter wardrobe….(not so good for my corporate wardrobe though!)

3.Good Foundations

Ideally you should be measured and fitted for a new bra around every six months. If you’re overdue then head to the fitting room before you buy a single new item for Autumn! Even if you think you know your size- you still need to check. I made this mistake last week when I ordered a whole load of bras online thinking I was safe as my size had been stable for a year or so now. Well I was wrong…none of them fitted and all had to go back. It seems that a summer of rosé-quaffing, ice-cream eating and cake-baking has taken its toll…

Good foundations are key to ensure comfort and smooth lines on your clothes. Personally I love the M&S t-shirt bras… as well as their pants….Fig leaves and Bravissimo are good for those with a larger bust and don’t forget the golden rule that if matching underwear is your goal- always buy three pairs of pants to every bra bought- that way you can get three days out of each bra!

Image Missguided

4. Keep it Colourful

There are some gorgeous shades around for the coming season so take this opportunity to try some new colours! Even after a colour consultation it can be easy to gravitate towards the same few colours as time goes on so take this opportunity to take another look at your colour swatches and add some new shades into the mix!  These are the colours compiled by the team at Pantone. They look at the colours used most by designers in the fashion shows in Paris, Milan, London and New York and then collate them so that the high street can re-create.

If you don’t know what colours work for you or how you can wear them- this is easily solved by a having a Colour Analysis Consultation.

This is a simple process that determines whether you can wear warm colours or cool colours, dark colours or light colours, clear or soft colours. If you wear the wrong coloured top it can either clash with your skin tone; by reflecting the wrong type of light onto your face-making you look ill,  or it can make your head look like a lolly-pop, stuck on top of your body with no connection between what your are wearing and your natural colouring.

Knowing this information will have a massive effect on how you shop as you will be able to discount entire areas of shops (as they group colours together) and look for the colours you know suit you…therefore saving you masses of time and (and money-as you are only buying what you KNOW suits you).

Image Style Du Monde

5. Buy What You Love

Don’t buy anything that is just ‘fine’, you (and your wardrobe) deserve more than that! If you put something on that you feel truly fabulous in, then go ahead and purchase it. When you wear something you feel amazing in you will exude confidence and this will guarantee you look amazing too!

During the Autumn Season I run Seasonal Update Workshops where you can come to my studio and I show to you (and a group of your friends if you want to make a event of it!) the key looks for the coming season, how to wear them, where to find them and how to incorporate them into your wardrobe so that you feel updated and excited by your wardrobe again. This way you don’t have to work out what would work for you and what wouldn’t- I can tell you and also tell you which shops would work best for you and what they are stocking- therefore saving you oodles of time looking. Get in touch of you would like to book in for this service.

Happy shopping!!

Reading next

KS Style Guide: Rinocerante
How to Wear: Heritage

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